As part of its campaign to sensitize ecosystem stakeholders to Social Innovation, Abdelkader Bensalah Foundation brought together a representation of the Moroccan media ecosystem on March 25, 2021.
This meeting was the occasion:
– To present the concept of social innovation to media players, who are still little aware of social innovation as a means of supporting sustainable and inclusive development.
– To illustrate by example the scope and benefits of social innovations by highlighting the promoters of innovative and high-impact projects.
– To share with media players the latest lessons that have emerged from the publication of the Abdelkader Bensalah Foundation report and the main recommendations of the regional tour that followed.
Like the operation of social innovations, based on collaboration and co-construction, the media meeting saw the intervention of many actors in the ecosystem of social innovations:
– An institutional actor: Salwa Tajri Director of Social Economy Promotion at the Ministry of Tourism, Handicrafts, Air Transport and Social Economy.
– An academic actor: Manal El Abboubi Professor at Mohamed V University and Associate Researcher at ECONOMIA – HEM.
– A civil society actor: Tarik Maaroufi Chief executive of the Abdelkader Bensalah Foundation.
To illustrate the principles of social innovations and operate communication by example, the Foundation wished to highlight the following project leaders:
Siham Meftahi: Founder of MAMIAM project in 2018, she is a young Moroccan graduate in industrial engineering from ENSAM. She has won several awards including the “Start Your Project” Social Entrepreneurship Award in October 2019.
Cantal Bakker: Founder of “Pikala bikes” initiative, a bicycle sales and rental project that also provides education and awareness for young people in road safety, health and urban mobility.
Yassine Aabar: Co-founder of Kech Radio, an associative radio station with local roots, humanist, anti-sexist, non-commercial, independent of any party or political system. It is pluralist media which aims to develop and promote communication and expression of all the actors and inhabitants of its territory.